Carlisle Chamber of Commerce

a natural choice to work, live, play and do business

School to Work

A welcome sign for Carlisle is positioned next to a paved walking path, surrounded by green grass and trees. A building is visible in the background, along with a parking lot. Several informational placards are displayed on the sign.

A small white building with a dark brown roof stands behind a white picket fence. It has two large windows flanking a red door with a sign above it. A lamp post is located in front of the building. The sign near the door reads "Chamber of Commerce.

A large outdoor sign reads "Carlisle, The Natural Choice, Established 1851" against a backdrop of shrubs and trees. The sign has a brick base and a beige upper part with bold, stylized text.

Did you know that students can. . .

  1. Earn CHS and DMACC credits?
  2. Earn money while they learn?
  3. Be released from school for up to 4 class periods?
  4. Be released from school only 1 or 2 class periods a day and work most of their hours at night and on weekends?
  5. Gain valuable work experience?
  6. Can continue to work at their training station after graduation?


  1. Complete Work-Based Learning class with B- or better.
  2. Provide own transportation.
  3. Get approval from Ms. Hillebrand to participate.
  4. Attend required meetings with Ms. Hillebrand and complete assignments.
  5. Maintain a WBL binder.
  6. Complete required paperwork.
  7. Deposit 10% of your paychecks in a savings account.

Students earn both CHS & DMACC Credits:

Carlisle High School

  1. Credit –Class
  2. Credits (per semester) –Work Experience


  1. Credit Hour (ADM 937) – Class
  2. Credit Hours (ADM 221) – Work Experience

Grades for WBL classes are based on the 5-point weighted grading scale.

Who can/should participate?

  1. Class is open to juniors or seniors.
  2. Work Experience is open to seniors.
  3. Students can take both the class and work during their senior year.
  4. Students planning on entering the workforce right after high school can gain valuable work experience.
  5. Students planning on continuing their education can earn free credit hours that will transfer to the college of their choice.

For more information contact Barbara Hillebrand, Work-Based Learning Coordinator by Email or call (515) 989-0831